Rogue Rani

Just a girl navigating love… relationships…mind…body & soul……

Sitting on this planet together.

Life’s Love Story


My Body

My Journey

My Soul

My Sanctuary

My Spirit

My Saviour

?’s for Adulthood

What do you want to be when you grow up ?

To be alive.

Where do you want to be when you get older ?


Who do you want to be with as time goes by ?

My loved ones, whoever they may be.

What experience will you actively ….

Sisters & Girlfriends

I had a best friend.

We spent every minute together.

Basking in each other’s company & characters.

We grew up.

She went to live her life,

as I did, mine.

I continued to love her from afar.

Allowing her to spread her wings.

Then, somehow,……

It’s a boy

Let me tell you about a Boy.

A Boy I loved without thought or

A Boy that sought a life.

To be found away from my sight or
our protective arms.

I tried in vain to keep him,…….

Hearts between 2

My heart, he said.

I’ll take it, she said.

Hearts & Minds


The stillness of my soul,

sits in the fragments of my mind.

Letting go

This time tomorrow.

That heart will ache,

the one that sits in my chest.

Willing me to have strength.

Gently it will tear,


A Love Story

Once there was a man and a woman.

Some would say she was spoilt and he was utterly stupid.

They met years ago.

But their relationship was only cemented, on that day,

when she asked him, in a harsh voice,

what am I to you ?………..